The Tarmac Rally Competitor Association (TRCAA) exists for one reason, to advocate for you the tarmac rally competitor.

Since our formation in 2022, TRCAA have been working closely with AASA, Motorsport Australia and Tarmac Rally event organisers to ensure the interests of competitors are at the forefront of the decision-making process.

The TRCAA committee were able to give significant input to the MA tribunal.  While the final tribunal report didn’t closely align with our recommendations, we were able to negotiate a result that was much closer than initially proposed.

TRCAA continues to advocate for the competitor group and have been accepted to make representation at the upcoming coronial inquest, the outcomes of which will have far reaching consequences for the whole tarmac rally community.

Increasing membership is key to our ongoing success, giving regulators cause to take notice of the Tarmac Competitors’ perspectives and keeping our priorities on the agenda of decision makers.

We need your help to keep fighting for the future of our sport.  Membership costs just $50.  Join now to have your voice heard as we fight for the future of Tarmac Rallying in Australia.